Fatiu O. Bello
4 min readJun 24, 2024


Dear future WIFE,

As-salaam alaykum waramotuLlah wabarokatuhu. Just so you know I’m a Muslim.

It’s with great pleasure I’m writing this letter, and I hope this letter meets you well. And I greatly believe you are in a good state of mind. How’s life there, and hope the atmosphere at that end isn’t too harsh? I want your skin flawless as I’ve always desired, hence, my persistent asking. How’s the family, and everyone? AlhamduliLlah, all thanks to Allah.

I’m writing this from my deepest sense of affection. I just really have to. The way you’ve taken charge over my mind is quite mysterious, thereby putting my heart on a continue yearning for you. I barely live a day without thinking about you — “What you look like. What your favorite food is. Your favorite colour. Your biggest fear. What gives you joy. Your genre of music. The kind of movies that put your head over heels. In general, your likes and dislikes". I can’t just get myself over it.

It does my heart good knowing that your heart beats in unison with mine, hoping to meet me someday, just so the same way I’m seriously eager to see you. Please, keep strolling out, so I’ll be able to cross paths with you to give you the real question you’ve been waiting for all your life, while I get the answer I’ve been waiting to get all my life. I have chosen you above all else, for in you, I see the true embodiment of love that our culture has left as stupidity.

Dear, Yes. I know what you are thinking. Finding a girlfriend is the easiest to achieve, but finding a Wife is a tasky one. That’s the simple truth, and that must be treated as utmost priority. The more reason I’ve been on lookout for you. Praying everyday to see you very soon as to save my heart the anxiousness of seeing you every single day. Girl, you’ve hypnotized me!

You’ve put my heart on hold, creating an imaginary spark between us. The imaginary thoughts I never seem to get over my little head. It lingers therein. You’ve captured my heart with your uniqueness, and simplicity. I can feel it, perhaps the reason why I found other girls unattractive. You’ve charmed my heart with your irresistible charisma, and never-dying beauty. I can feel it.

LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL, as they say.

Your ability to handle delicate issues diligently, without letting it get hold of you would be highly commendable.. I received that in the spirit realm. I know you are a strong, courageous, amazing, wonderful - find any other adjectives to better compliment yourself better. You are a queen, and you should be treated as one. Your King is patiently waiting for you, while sipping his favorite drink. Girl, don’t keep me waiting.

Yes, I know the situation at ground might be taking a toll on you. Getting your degree, if you are still in that cycle. Getting a job. Becoming an independent Woman to some extent. Furthering with your Masters Degree, PhD, even Professorship, if need be.., or you want to be a renowned BusinessWoman. You have nothing to worry about. I’ll be with you through all, support you with my resources, and be your biggest chearleader. A win for you is a win for me. I want to be proud of you. I know you’d be a force to reckon with.

Oh! Sorry,. The kids right? I’m really sorry for not talking about this since. I want us to take things right, and steady. If we get to the bridge, we’d cross it. Let’s get the first step done first. And I know you’d really be a great teacher. You know you have a greater role to play in the lives of the kids better than I do. You’d be their first teacher. Inculcate moral acts in them. Academically, I know you’d help them grow; the simplification, evaluation, their writing skills, oral presentation, derivation and several others I’d not be able to mention, please, do it well. I have a great ray of hopes in you.

Collectively, we’d build a great home, where our kids would never feel unwanted, or neglected. We’d always be their best of friends. And guide them unto the right path. And I pray Almighty Allah bestow on us the power, knowledge to manage the affairs of the HOME, and may He guide us unto the best of path.. In Sha Allah.

My Love, know that wherever you are, I’m always with you. And I’ll continue seeking for God’s guidance and wisdom as I patiently wait for you. Anticipating the day I’d hold you in my arms, and have the full right to call you mine, while we are pronounced as Husband and Wife. I love you too much. I love LOVE, and I want to experience that with you. I’m a loving Boy. Please, say me well to my potential In-Laws. I’m hoping to meet them soon.

When we see, I’d continue to tell you more about me.. For now, this is the stopping point.

With all my love,

Your future loving husband.

Engr. Fatiu O. Bello GMNSE.

Fatiu O. Bello
Fatiu O. Bello

Written by Fatiu O. Bello

|An Engineer - Materials Engineer. Metallurgical Engineer| |Connoisseur of Politics| |Lover of Nature| |Cristiano Ronaldo Fan| |Observer| |Writer|

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