The mistake I made while in higher institution, I wouldn’t let the younger ones make it. They must get it right from the very first moment.
It’s disheartening. Why? Because I could have done better than this. Yes, I had the potential, I have what it takes, and I strongly know I could have done better. I just didn’t realize it earlier, and this had a greater effect on me. I would have made it, seamlessly. I know myself. The stress I had to go through wouldn’t have been necessary.
My first year was an unforgettable session for me, and I know what I went through…best known to me. And this took a turn on my academics. But still, I never let that affect the other 3years. Yes, I put in all I could. I won’t lie, I received several discouragements in the second year from several courses, as well. I was shattered. As in, why? There are some courses that shocked me when I received the results. How? Where did I go wrong? But, I no phor. I gallant.
With this, I buckled up than I ever did. I became more thirsty for success. I had the best set of ones throughout the following years. I did it. But, the first had spoil the show, and the dead strength in the second year. I didn’t lose. I didn’t settle for less. They always say; “the higher the level, the tougher it becomes" yes that’s true. But, with me, I turned the toughness into easiness; “the higher the level, the easier it becomes" for me. I gained strength. Yes, I finished well. I didn’t let what the environments threw at me hold me down. I fought, and I won.
A quick one. Well, night class wasn’t my thing. I had my own system of reading. I read during the day, and the night for some hours. I don’t engage myself in conc. reading. I read a little, play more, sometimes sleep a little. That’s my own style. I’ll get tired if I engage myself in a conc. reading. The first time I tried night class, I regretted it. Though, I was forced by a friend, brother.. The idea of going to night class never occured to me. But I had to grant him the wish, and of course, it’s my birthday. And I want to have the feeling of night class.
Night class wasn’t my thing. I gained nothing! I wasted that beautiful night. That was the first and the last time I attended a night class. It depends on your person. I prefer reading at the comfort zone of my room. I will assimilate as much as I want. I’m not saying night class isn’t a great idea. No, don’t misquote. It’s not just my way. And I’m glad I realized right from time. Study yourself, sketch out a schedule for yourself, and work towards it. You’ll see the outcome. Trust me.
If that hadn’t happen, maybe I wouldn’t have been this serious, and dedicated towards it. I always make sure I complete the syllabus of every courses before the 7th week, at worst. But Engineering Maths was different, the lecturer made it a frustrating, and worrisome one for me. This Man showed me pepper! It’s well. He made me hate that course. And I hope he knows wherever he is. Some too dey sha. I pray you don’t pass through some lecturers that would make you question your worth. Still in all, I didn’t give up at the face of adversity. I still believed in myself. They throw weapons, but man dodge am.
I’m not saying this to spite any. This is just to encourage you. And I know you too can become it, and even do better.. The time is now. Your foundation is really important. Don’t be put down by the circumstances. Stand for your desires. Don’t fret. Fight it. Turn the weakness to your strength. It will be fine at the end. I hope this motivates you. Do not ever doubt your potential, or your value/worth. You can do it. Don’t be a weaker vessel — it will destroy you. If you are at the point of giving up, please don’t. Bounce back, and be strong. That’s life.
©Engr. Fatiu O. Bello (GMNSE)